Questions About Our Ministry & Getting Involved:
What you should know before volunteering:
HerFaithVillage.com is a non-denominational, non-profit Christian ministry that seeks to disciple, equip, and share the gospel with women and youth around the world. We seek to give a refreshing unwatered down, uncompromising realness to the truth of God’s Word applied to everyday life. Though Covid-19 has been a horrible virus that has claimed and altered many lives, it has also given churches, ministries, and Christian Non-Profits a wake up call that the buildings, meeting places, cafes, and homes, that we once thought was the bases for our church, our fellowship, our ministry, we are now been reminded that WE (CHRISTIANS) ARE THE CHURCH and wherever we are whether alone in a room are in an auditorium full of people we make up the body of Christ Jesus not wood, stone, still, and cement.
HerFaithVillage.com is undergoing some dramatic changes since Covid-19 and we are in desperate need of reliable, faithful workers in the harvest field. Our way of reaching women and youth seems to be changing day by day moment by moment. That coupled with the rebranding that we’re undergoing and I’m sure you can see how quickly we found a need for new positions within the ministry. It is for this reason that our need is great. We believe that God will send those that He calls to this ministry and we are standing in faith until He does. If you feel you’ve been called to this ministry please take a moment a send us an email via our contact form thanks.
If I want to be part of HerFaithVillage.com in what ways can I volunteer?
HerFaithVillage.com is always seeking individuals that love Jesus Christ, have a passion for people, a heart for ministry, and a desire to please God. With that said if you feel the Holy Spirit is leading you to get involved in this ministry there are lots of ways that you can fulfill that calling:
Physical Volunteering: Physical volunteering are for individuals that live in the Missouri/Kansas area and can commute to Leawood, Kansas at least twice a month. All Executive Board Members must be physical volunteers.
Virtual Volunteering: Virtual volunteering are for individuals that live outside the Missouri/Kansas area. Almost all other areas of our ministry can be done virtually at this time. This means that distance in no longer an issue. We welcome you to get involved whether you like in New York or LA or if you live in Africa or Finland.
How much time is involved in volunteering?
The time involved is between you and God. This is a ministry and any time given to it is given through the Holy Spirit’s urging on your heart. We have a lot of women that serve in this ministry while running their own ministries or church ministries. Whatever position you hold with HerFaithVillage.com we simply tell you what needs to get done, when it needs to be completed and you allow the Holy Spirit work through you to completion.
Can I volunteer online only?
YES! Since Covid-19 our ministry has all but completely transformed to a web based ministry. We will still have local meetings when we can. Offer support and resources to the community when needed but for the most part we have found that our reach is a whole lot farther when we are reaching out and partnering with those around the world.
Do all ministry members have to belong to the same church?
No. But all members who volunteer as part of the HerFaithVillage.com must be a member of a church that does not have a statement of faith/beliefs that conflict with HerFaithVillage.com’s statement of faith.
Why is HerFaithVillage.com not paid?
Our President Shelle Frelo offers all her time, energy, and skill for no income. Any donations that come into the ministry goes right back into the ministry. We believe at this time God just hasn’t given us a need to have a paid team. But when He does we will most assuredly do so.
Can a ministry member have their own ministry outside of HerFaithVillage.com?
Yes, as long as their personal ministry obligations and their obligation to HerFaithVillage.com does not conflict or compromise the integrity or effectiveness of HerFaithVillage.com. We do not share data bases, partner information, or critical data.
HerFaithVillage.com Ministries is dedicated to helping women and youth know Jesus on an intimate level. Shelle Frelo has founded a network of ministries under the mother ministry HerFaithVillage.com

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